In the following several axiom schemas are listed to formalize Traceability Theory, that is used in the Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (ECAS) System case study.Reasoning about equals relation
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in equals \wedge (b,c) \in \square \to (a,c) \in \square, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in equals \wedge (c,b) \in square \to (c,a) \in \square, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a \in A \mid (a,a) \in equals, \\
\text{where } \square \in \{ contains , requires , refines , satisfies, conflicts \}
Reasoning about requires relation
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (b,c) \in requires \to (a,c) \in requires, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in requires \wedge (b,c) \in \square \to (a,c) \in requires, \\
\text{where } \square \in \{ requires, refines , contains \}
Reasoning about satisfies relation
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (c,b) \in satisfies \to (c,a) \in satisfies, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (b,c) \in satisfies \to (a,c) \in satisfies, \\
\text{where } \square = refines
Reasoning about conflicts relation
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (b,c) \in conflicts \to (a,c) \in conflicts, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a \in A \mid (a,a) \in conflicts, \\
\text{where } \square \in \{ requires , refines , contains \}
In the following axiom schema, transitivity is used for reasoning new traces, whereas anti-symmetry and irreflexivity are used to check consistency.
\vdash \forall a, b, c \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (b,c) \in \square \to (a,c) \in \square, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a, b \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (b,a) \in \square \to a = b, \text{and}\\
\vdash \forall a \in A \mid (a,a) \notin \square, \\
\text{where } \square \in \; \{ contains , requires , refines , satisfies \}
Consistency of \textit{contains} Relation, which is left-unique (injective relation):
\vdash \forall a, a', b \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \wedge (a',b) \in \square \to a = a', \\
\text{where } \square = contains
For instance, in addition to the previously defined axioms using the following axiom schema, the system detects an inconsistency between two requirements, \(r_{60}\) and \(r_{59}\) as shown in the following Table.
\forall a, b \in A \mid (a,b) \in \square \to (a,b) \notin \triangle \wedge (b,a) \notin \triangle, \text{where} \\
\text{for each} \; \square \in \{ requires , refines , satisfies , contains , conflicts \} \text{and}\\
(requires \; \cup \; refines \; \cup \; satisfies \; \cup \; contains \; \cup \; conflicts) \setminus \square \mapsto \triangle
Some Requirements and Code Fragments in ECAS